partners & Supporters
The people who help us help people
It’s only because of our collaborators, organizational funders and donors that NAMI Colorado Springs can offer no-cost services as an independent 501c3. Here’s our all-star team.

Our growing partner network
Programmatically, NAMI Colorado Springs extends its reach by partnering with a host of other community organizations. For instance, we deliver youth programming alongside Suicide Prevention Partnership and Diversus Health; LGBTQIA2+ programming with Community Health Partnership; and military programming with UCHealth/Next Chapter. We present to patients at Peak View Behavioral Health, trade training opportunities with Serenity Recovery Connection, and partner with Silver Key Senior Services on initiatives to bolster older adults’ mental health.
Our leading donors
NAMI Colorado Springs is deeply grateful for having received more than $2,500 in financial or in-kind support from the following donors since January 2023
Adalina Blair and Kat Lilley-Blair
ALPA Construction
The Anschutz Foundation
AW Field Living Trust
Bank of Colorado
Beauty Bar
Ben and Amy Day
Bill Mahaffey
Bright Futures Psychiatry
Bruni Foundation
Carl George Bjorkman Foundation
Carol and Wil Scott
Cedar Springs Hospital
Christine and James Hendren
Chrysalis Wealth Management
Clay Taylor
Colorado CFO
Colorado College
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice
Colorado Health Foundation
Colorado Springs Health Foundation
Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation
CommonSpirit Health
Debra and Daniel Zarecky
Diversus Health
El Paso County
El Pomar Foundation
Elder Care, Inc. of Colorado Springs
Elevance Health, Inc.
Elizabeth Mulholland
Ent Credit Union Community Fund
Exigo Corporation
Family Care Center Colorado Springs
Fiona and Damian McCabe
Food Management Group, Inc
The Gazette
The Gazette’s Empty Stocking Fund
GE Johnson Construction Co.
Gerri and Ron Knoll
Gray Line of Colorado
Heather and Dr. Leon Kelly
Henrietta and Rob Levis
Ingrid Chrzanowski Estate
Innovive Health
Jerome V. Bruni
The Johnson Family
John C. Osborn
Kathy Dreiling and Michelle Talarico
Lelia Davis
Levis Grosdidier and Associates
Lewis Roca
Lisa Bianco Foundation
Mary Lou and Chuck Murphy
Mentally STRONG
Michael and Evelyn Viland Charitable Gift Fund
Michael Gallagher
Dr. Monica Furey
The Moniker Foundation
NAMI Colorado
NAMI National
Olson Plumbing and Heating
Peak Vista Community Health Centers
Phil Tweedy and Kathy Cleary
Sam Price Family Foundation
Sandstone Care
Southern Colorado TMS Center
Summit Behavioral Healthcare
Taline (Ty) Meredith
UCHealth / Memorial Health System
Uyen Le
Virginia R. Newman Estate