Become a member

How membership works

By becoming a member of NAMI, you become one of the thousands of Americans advocating for the fair treatment of all people, particularly those who suffer from mental illnesses. And you actually become a member of three organizations at once: NAMI nationalNAMI Colorado and NAMI Colorado Springs. Each of these organizations is involved, at some level, in delivering the three pillars of NAMI’s mission: education, support and advocacy. But in very general terms, you can think of them as working on complementary levels. Your membership fee is divided among all three of those organizations. 

NAMI national

advocates for people and families with mental illness at the highest levels of government. It collects and dispenses information about mental health research and develops education programs (like Family-to-Family, Basics, etc.) that it makes available to state organizations and local affiliates.

NAMI Colorado

a state organization, provides trainings and some resources to Colorado's 14 local affiliates, including NAMI Colorado Springs. It also works to affect health care policy on the state level.

NAMI Colorado Springs

focuses on delivering programs and services to people in the Pikes Peak region, while also taking part in regional efforts to improve mental health awareness and care.

Membership fees

You can join NAMI at one of three levels:

  • $60 per year for a Household membership that includes all members of a household living at the same address
  • $40 per year for a Regular membership, which is an individual membership for one person
  • $5 per year for an Open Door membership for an individual member with limited financial resources


Membership benefits

The benefits of membership include:

  • Delivery of the organization’s flagship magazine, the NAMI Advocate
  • Discounts at the NAMI Store
  • Discounts on registration at NAMI’s National Convention
  • Access to “Members Only” sections at
  • Regular email updates and occasional mailings from NAMI Colorado Springs
  • Voting privileges at NAMI Colorado Springs’ annual meeting

How to join

Call 770.286.6673 and ask for membership or click below